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Lam Dong: Effective high-tech agricultural production model
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Lam Dong has about 300,000 hecta of agricultural land. Currently, the total area of high-tech agricultural production reaches an average of 169 million VND per hectares.

The area of high quality and disease-free crops has been strongly developed in the local area

In which, the revenue of high-tech vegetables production area is from 400 - 500 million VND per hectares per year; flowers is from 800 million VND to 1.2 billion VND/ha/year (in particular, there are some flower production models with the revenue of 8-10 billion VND/ha/year); high quality tea is about 250 million VND /ha/year; coffee reaches about 200 million VND/ha/year. Moreover, the province now has about 50 hectares of commercial cold-water fish farming with an output of about 1,000 tons per year.
The cultivated greenhouse area is 4,500 ha, the net house is 1.222 ha, the agricultural mulch is 10.951 ha, automatic and semi-automatic irrigation is 28.057 ha and hydroponic farming is 50 ha. The crop area with automatic sensor of temperature, CO2 and nutrient management technology is 194.7 ha.
The productivity, quality and economic efficiency of the production area applying high technology are much higher than that of conventional production (the average productivity is 30% - 50% higher).
In the province, 125 safe agricultural chains are developed with the participation of 157 enterprises, cooperatives and 13.000 farmer households, the production area of the chain reaches about 14.400 ha; 267 enterprises, cooperatives and farmer households are certified with VietGAP standards with an area of 2.091 ha.
In addition, there are about 73,000 hectares of coffee of 4C, UTZ and Rainforet standard based production, 20 agricultural products certified with certification marks and 09 enterprises recognized as hi-tech agricultural enterprises (accounting for 32% of the nationally recognized enterprises).
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported Lam Dong province to build and develop the brand of “Da Lat - Miraculous crystallization from healthy land" and it has been recognized by the National Office of Intellectual Property with its main products including vegetables, flowers, tea, Arabica coffee and farming tourism.
In the production process, besides the models supported with conditions for high-tech application, step by step, towards sustainable development, building modern, advanced production processes and international integration, other models have been established by enterprises and the people who actively apply science and technology, information technology into their production.
In the local areas, many farmers and farm owners have programmed their own farm management software to automate crop production in order to increase the productivity and quality, Mr. Nguyen Duc Huy - Director of Vietnamese Hydroponic Cooperative in Ward 9, Da Lat city, for example, Mr. Nguyen Dinh, Dinh Farm - Ward 8. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Sang in orchid garden Sang Coi.

To encourage and support hi-tech agricultural production, the province has promulgated a Scheme to support start-up, accompanied with supporting policies including smart agricultural start-up with 50% of each project for consulting on human resource training and intellectual property services; support 50% of expenses for application of new science and technology; 3% for post-investment interest rate support (maximum 36 months from the time when the credit institutions complete the loan procedure); loan supporting fund for start-up, Science and Technology Development Fund, Industrial Promotion Fund to help farmers develop their production.
Through attracting investment in the field of agriculture and rural areas, especially attracting enterprises who invest in agricultural production with high technology and application of smart agriculture in production, it has a strong impact on raising the awareness and mindset of farmers in order that they boldly invest in the application of science and technology in their production, increase productivity and value of agricultural products, then contribute to increasing land use value and creating many jobs and effective implementation of the Agricultural Sector Restructuring Project associated with the New Rural Construction Program.
The importing, breeding and applying biotechnology in tissue culture seed production to create high-quality and disease-free seed sources have been strongly developed.
There are 208 nurseries cultivating vegetable seeds, flowers and specialty plants on foam sheets in the province with a total number of seedlings producing 10,590 million seedlings per year, of which, 51 establishments apply tissue culture techniques and supply nearly 65 million tissue transplants of all kinds to domestic and foreign markets annually.
Lam Dong has more than 15 years of experiences in developing hi-tech agriculture, therefore, its facilities, production infrastructure, cultivation and husbandry levels as well of Lam Dong farmers are higher than the common ground of the whole country.

Enterprises, cooperatives, farmers are always ready to acquire intelligent technologies in their production, breeding and farm management.
There are many enterprises investing in high-tech agriculture, especially FDI enterprises, which have created favorable conditions for the enterprises, cooperatives and farmers in the province to get access and apply information technology to develop production linkage and expand the markets.
Besides, the provincial People's Committee issued key projects to promote the development of smart agriculture in the province such as "Building Da Lat city as a smart city" project; "Piloting the construction of Don Duong district to achieve a new rural model of high-tech-oriented agriculture in the 2019-2025 period" project and "Piloting model building of green urban village in Xuan Tho commune, Da Lat city, Lam Dong province” project.

Typically, Da Lat Hasfarm Company has 167 ha of flowers using Dutch Hortimax technology; Truong Hoang Trading and Services Co., Ltd. has 06 ha applying sensor technology imported from Taiwan, Italy to cultivate Phalaenopsis orchids; Da Lat Agricultural Research Center (Loc Troi Group) applies Israeli technology with a scale of 01 ha in vegetable cultivation. Currently, some enterprises like Elcom, Mimozatek are improving technology integrating automatic control sensor for enterprises, cooperatives and farmers.
The breeding facilities are invested with modern technology such as roof systems applied anti-heat technology by using cold corrugated iron with insulation materials, automatic drinking trough system, automatic fan system based on temperature and humidity sensors for cage cooling to create a microclimate for the development of dairy farming.

Combined machines are used in these models in order to mix complete diets according to TMR (Total Mixing Rotation) method. Synthetic mixed diets include fresh or composted grass, molasses, oilseed, soybean, etc. to ensure rich nutrition, high milk supply and high quality to increase milk yield and quality. Also, robots are used to push food automatically to limit labor and ensure regular food for livestock at dairy farms of Vinamilk.
Dairy farmers in the province have used over 95% of milking machines instead of using manual milking to ensure food hygiene and safety, save time, improve efficiency in dairy farming.

Dalat Dairy Joint Stock Company and Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company will use rotary milking system (automatic circle milking system with about 100 dairy cows for each milking time).
Dairy farms of Vinamilk and Dalatmilk Company are built based on the model of industrial barns. Accordingly, each cow is attached with an electronic chip, connecting to a computer and a phone to monitor the status of eating and resting of the animal, health situation, disease, detect oestrus and milk production in order to promptly adjust the appropriate caring, nurturing and management regimes. 
For chicken and hog husbandry, in the model of CP Vietnam Livestock Joint Stock Company, cold barns are used to proactively control the temperature in accordance with the adaptation of livestock without being affected by the weather situation outside, which helps hogs and chickens develop stably, increasing productivity and egg meat output, reducing odors and limiting environmental pollution.
In agricultural product processing and traceability, the province has about 33 agencies who have applied electronic traceability stamp technology (QR code) including 18 cooperatives, 09 enterprises and 06 facilities.
Traceability stamps are mainly used on some agricultural products such as kinds of vegetables with 16 establishments; 02 establishments of tea; 04 establishments of fruits; 02 establishments of rice; 02 pharmaceuticals, 02 macca; 03 coffee, 01 bird's nest soup, 01 honey and 1,525 million stamps have been issued.

The use of traceability stamp has contributed to increase profits for enterprises (increased 15-20% of agricultural product trading), gradually change the awareness, small farming practices to concentrated linkage production; raise the responsibility in producing safe products; solve the problem of fake brands of agricultural products in Lam Dong, connecting purchasers, distributors and consumers with farmers, thereby, facilitating the market expansion of producers. It has been supported with the companion of many purchasing, distributing and retailing units such as Coo-op mart, Big C, Aeon, Lotte mart, Vinmart...
In the coming time, in order to support the improvement of high-tech application efficiency, support farmers with modern agricultural production, the State should synchronize mechanisms and policies to necessary resources, the first and foremost are pioneers of enterprises, cooperatives with sufficient capacity for implementation, and the bravery and confidence of farmers is needed to participate in the production process for effectively technological application achievements, replication of effective high-tech application models which are suitable to each locality and unit.
Moreover, priority should be given to properly investment in research, promoting the transfer and application of advanced science and technology in agricultural production in association with focusing on investment promotion and expanding agricultural high technology markets so that the strength of local products will be promoted.

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