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Thanh Thuy district in Phu Tho province successfully organizes the 10th Delegate Congress of the Farmers’ Union at district level, term 2023-2028
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From April 26 to 27, the Farmers’ Union of Thanh Thuy district solemnly held the 10th Delegate Congress of the Farmers’ Union at district level, term 2023–2028, with the theme "Solidarity, Innovation, Creativity, and Civilization". This is the first district in the province to hold the Congress.

Welcoming the 10th Farmers’ Union Executive Committee at district level in the Congress

The Congress reviewed and summarized the work of the Farmers’ Union and the farmers' movement at district level for the term 2018–2023; it set out directions, tasks, and key targets for the term 2023–2028; and it evaluated the leadership and direction of the Farmers’ Union Executive Committee at district level during term IX. Besides, the Congress also discussed and gave proposals to the draft document of the Delegate Congress of the Farmers’ Union at provincial level; it elected the 9 th Farmers’ Union Executive Committee members at district level, term 2023–2028; and it elected a delegation to attend the 10th Delegate Congress of the Farmers’ Union at provincial level, term 2023–2028.
In the last term, with the leadership of the Party Executive Committee at district level, the Farmers’ Union at the district level and provincial level encouraged the spirit of solidarity, dynamism, and creativity, and directed successfully the implementation of the 9th Farmers’ Union Congress Resolution at district level, term 2018–2023. Education on political ideology and tradition, law propaganda and dissemination to members were promoted with a variety of content and methods.
Because the organizational structure of the Farmers’ Union has been focused, the content and the operation are currently innovative, and effective. The Farmers’ Union well performs the function of representing farmers, taking care of the members and farmers’ lives, and protecting their legitimate rights and interests. The emulation movements launched by the Farmers’ Union have continued to develop and have had a significant influence on society, which attracts a large number of members to participate. Focusing on developing the Party, the government and the political system  strong has contributed to the successful implementation of socio-economic development goals and tasks in the locality and help Thanh Thuy district become the second new rural district of the province.
With the spirit of democracy, solidarity, intelligence, and high responsibility, the Congress elected the Farmers’ Union the 10th Executive Committee at district level, consisting of 21 members, and it also elected a delegation to attend the 10th Delegate Congress of the Farmers’ Union at provincial level term 2023–2028, including 12 delegators. Ms. Ha Thi Thanh Huong was re-elected as Chairwoman of the Farmers’ Union at district level; Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh was re-elected as Vice Chairwoman of the Farmers’ Union at district level, term X, term 2023–2028.
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