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Upholding the tradition of the excellent Trade Union unit, leading the Emulation Group
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(VNFU Portal) - Afternoon of May 25, the 10th Congress of the Trade Union of VNFU for the term 2023-2028 was solemnly opened in Hanoi. Attending and directing the Congress were Mr. Luong Quoc Doan - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Union, Chairman of VNFU; Comrade Tran Thi Kim Anh- Vice President of Vietnam Public Sector Union.
Attending the Congress were Standing Vice Chairman of VNFU, Pham Tien Nam; the Vice Chairman of VNFU: Dinh Khac Dinh, Bui Thi Thom, Nguyen Xuan Dinh, Cao Xuan Thu Van; representatives of the Party Committee of VNFU and 150 delegates representing 402 union members of the agency.

With the theme " Democracy - Innovation - Solidarity - Creativity ", the Congress reviewed and evaluated the performance of the 9th Trade Union, term 2017-2023; set out goals, directions and tasks in the new term 2023-2028, develop the activities of VNFU's Trade Union, contributing to building VNFU to develop stronger and stronger.

The VNFU's Trade Union always maintains and promotes the tradition of being an excellent Trade Union unit, leading the Emulation group for many years. Many collectives and individuals in the past term had been commended and awarded Flags and Certificates of Merit by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Vietnam Public Sector Union.
For the 2017-2023 term, the Trade Union of VNFU had developed in terms of organization, staff and union members. The Executive Committee of the Trade Union of VNFU received the attention and direction of the Party Committee of VNFU, the Vietnam Public Sector Union, the attention and facilitation of the leaders of organization, along with solidarity, the collective consensus of the Standing Committee, the Executive Board and all union members. In addition, the Trade Union of VNFU overcome all difficulties, created and innovated practical, diverse and attractive contents and modes of operation, attracting a large number of officials and union members to join. In general, the key tasks and activities had completed and exceeded the targets set by the Resolution of the IXth Trade Union Congress.

The VNFU's trade union has performed the function of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members; coordinate with VNFU leaders, leaders of departments and units to mobilize cadres and union members to well implement the content of patriotic emulation movements, encourage union members to uphold their sense of responsibility to fulfill their politics tasks of agencies and units; taking care of and improving the material and spiritual life of union members, being the core force in humanitarian and social activities; well perform the function of participating in management, building the agency, contributing to build an internal unify organization...
Currently, there are 402 VNFU trade union members in total  of 15 trade union divisions of 16 departments and units under the VNFU. The VNFU trade union has closely followed the political tasks and political events of the country, the Party and VNFU... to organize propaganda activities with practical contents and stylish forms to cadres, union members and employees to implement Directive No. 05/CT/TW, Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo on continuing to promote learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style; practicing thrift, fighting embezzlement, bureaucracy; develop an action plan to implement the Central Committee's Resolution 4, Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the Central Committee, the Resolutions of the 13th Party Central Committee...

The VNFU's trade union always pays attention to and creates conditions for officials and union members to study and improve their political and professional qualifications to meet the requirements and tasks of their work in the current period.

Based on the tasks and work programs of the Party Committee, VNFU, and superior trade unions, every year the VNFU Trade Union has developed a plan and guided the launch of emulation With the active participation of a large number of officials and trade union members of VNFU, the emulation movements have achieved many good results, being a force to promote cadres, civil servants and public employees to complete tasks, making an important contribution to the successful implementation of political tasks of organization and units.

In addition, officials and union members of the VNFU Trade Union advised leaders of departments and units to successfully organize other major activities such as: 10th national Congress of patriotic emulation among workers and employee in the period 2015-2020; VNFU 5th National Congress of patriotic emulation; Prime Minister's Conference with Farmers (annual); Proud Vietnamese Farmers Program; the 90th Anniversary of VNFU; Commendation of 90 outstanding typical FUs; Scientific Conference "Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Kim Ngoc - Portrait of a person in innovation, creativity and agricultural development"; The 3rd "Farmer's Scientist" Honoring Ceremony; The 4th National Conference of Good Farmers in Production and Business, period 2017-2022...

In particular, in the last term, there have been more than 200 initiatives in the fields of professional work of union members in departments and units recognized by VNFU. Thereby, actively contributing to the administrative reform and improving work efficiency.

Regarding the care of the material and spiritual life of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees of VNFU, the leaders of VNFU and leaders of VNFU Trade Union were interested in improving the working conditions, organize periodical health check-ups;… and implemented gratitude activities; at the same time, closely grasping the thoughts, aspirations, difficulties and pressing concerns of union members and employees to promptly report to the leaders of agencies and units.

Regarding social and charitable activities, responding to the call of General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong on the occasion of the "People's voluntary blood donation day in 2020", the direction and guidance of VNFU and the Vietnam Public Sector Union on participating in blood donation to save lives to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, the VNFU Trade Union presided over the coordination of the Veterans Association, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, VNFU  propagated, mobilized and mastered the guiding spirit to cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees participating in voluntary blood donation, contributing to ensuring the blood source for treatment. patient care; organize donations and support in money and in kind, with a total value of nearly 990 million VND;

In addition, every year, the Trade Union has also called on officials, union members and employees to donate to support social and charitable activities such as: Fund for the Poor, Gratitude, Crime Prevention Fund, supporting areas aftected by natural disasters, storms, floods... with an amount of about 100-120 million VND/fund/year. Especially in 2021, the Trade Union cooperated with the VNFU to mobilize union members to donate 210 million VND to support people affected by natural disasters, storms and floods.

Speaking at the congress, member of the Central Committee of the Party, Secretary of the Party Union, and Chairman of VNFU, Luong Quoc Doan congratulated, praised and highly appreciated the efforts, achievements and contributions of union members, civil servants, public employees and activities of the VNFU Trade Union in the past term. In particular, the VNFU Trade Union had performed well in taking care of the interests of its members; actively participated in giving comments about policies and laws related to agriculture, farmers and rural areas; in formulating mechanisms and policies related to the legitimate rights and interests of union members; strictly implemented the democratic regulations at the grassroots...

Chairman Luong Quoc Doan said that, in response to the requirements of the national renewal process, the political tasks of VNFU, the position and role of the VNFU Trade Union, in the coming time, the Trade Union will need to overcome all difficulties at work, strive to fulfill the goals and tasks.

“The next term requires the emulation movement and trade union organization to be constantly innovated and improved in terms of organizational quality, operational methods and efficiency to represent, take care of and  protect, at the same time, promote strongly their role to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation," emphasized Chairman Luong Quoc Doan.

According to Chairman Luong Quoc Doan, in order to successfully complete the goals and tasks, the Executive Committee of the VNFU Trade Union  for the term 2023-2028 needs to focus on the following five key tasks :
Firstly, focusing on raising political awareness and bravery for union members, civil servants, public employees and employees.

Secondly , regularly taking care of the legitimate interests of union members, civil servants, public employees and employees; better perform the role of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members.

Thirdly , continue to innovate and improve the quality of the organization, methods and efficiency of Trade Union activities in accordance with the Law on Trade Unions 2022 and the requirements of the new situation.

Fourthly, The VNFU Trade Union needs to make a breakthrough and in-depth advice in building Party, building a strong organization and units.

Fifth, cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees of VNFU need to constantly improve themselves; self-study, raise awareness about political theory and professional knowledge; actively build up knowledge to improve the quality of consulting work; breakthroughs in information technology application; strongly propose solutions and initiatives to effectively perform work tasks. Moreover, employees in general also need to strictly observe administrative discipline, labor discipline, internal rules, regulations and working principles; speech discipline; preserving working culture, civilized modern and democracy, solidarity, responsibility working environment; complete well the tasks, contributing to building and developing a strong organization.

Speaking at the Congress, Comrade Tran Thi Kim Anh- Vice Chairwomen of the Vietnam Public Sector Union also praised, recognized and highly appreciated the results achieved by the VNFU Trade Union during the past term. On this occasion, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Public Sector Union, Vice Chairwomen Tran Thi Kim Anh presented the Certificate of Merit of the Vietnam Public Sector Union to the VNFU Trade Union.

At the Congress, the 10th Executive Committee of the VNFU Trade Union was elected, for the term of 2023-2028, including 11 comrades. At thhe congress a delegation to attend the 6th Vietnam Trade Union Congress was also elected,including 4 official delegates and 1 alternate delegate. 

At the end of the meeting, the delegates voted to approve the draft resolution.
The 10th Trade Union Congress of VNFU for the term 2023-2028 set seven goals, including: Strive for 100% of cadres and union members to study and understand the Party's guidelines, Laws of the State, Trade Union Charter, Resolution; organizing trade union work training, training on gender equality... of trade unions at all levels FUs and of VNFU; 100% Trade Union divisions organize practical activities to take care of the material and spiritual life of union members; every year, 100% of divisional trade unions get the title of strong union, of which more than 15% get the title of excellent trade union. Over 95% of union members win the title of Advanced Union member, of which 15% or more win the title of Excellent union member. Over 95% of female cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees win the title of "Good at domestic work, taking care of housework".

Some pictures at the 10th Congress of VNFU Trade Union, term 2023-2028:
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