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Safe farming from the smallest things
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Identifying that environmental protection is one of the key tasks of Farmers’ Union at all levels and farmer's movement, in recent time, together with the movement of "Vinh Phuc farmers for a safe, sustainable agriculture, green-clean-beautiful environment”, the provincial FU has actively disseminated and mobilized all levels of members to join hands in solving the problem of plastic waste.

From small jobs
Farmers in Vu Di commune (Vinh Tuong district) on these days have often told each other more stories about plastic waste.

"In the past, nylon bags were used in almost activities such as picking vegetables, going to the market, going out because they were convenient, cheap and beautiful. Recently, thanks to the dissemination, I have understood about the risks of plastic waste to human health and the environment, so I replaced nylon bags with shopping lanes, used cartons and baskets to pick vegetables in order to minimize plastic waste. At the same time, we are growing vegetables, tubers, fruits to ensure good health for our families ", shared Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ha (Yen Nhien village, Vu Di commune).

Instead of using nylon bags to pick vegetables, Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Hà in Yên Nhiên village, Vũ Di commune (Vĩnh Tường) used a reusable canister.  Photo:  H.L

Mr. Dang Tran Bao, Chairman of Vu Di Commune FU affirm: "Contributing to the environmental protection and eliminating plastic waste in the locality, the Commune FU has encouraged members and farmers to actively participate in economic development associated with environmental protection, climate change adaptation.

The FU has organized direct dissemination and mainstreamed them into the meetings of the People's Committee, the hamlet and the village about the dangers and harms of environmental pollution, especially those from plastic waste to ecosystems and human health in order to raise awareness and responsibility of members and farmers in environmental protection, contributing to building an increasingly clean and beautiful locality.

After 2 years of implementation, the movement of "Vinh Phuc farmers for a safe, sustainable agriculture, green-clean-beautiful environment” has spread widely to the members, farmer. Many good models, creative ways are applied. Nearly 80% of farmer households has participated in environmental sanitation activities, formed more than 100 waste collection groups in the farmer branches and profession groups in the area.

Developing specific models
In order to protect ourselves, our families, relatives and the living environment, each official, farmer, member of FUs in Vinh Phuc province should have their self-awareness, limit the use of nylon bags, disposable items, and join hands to push back plastic waste for a green-clean-beautiful world.
To promote the achieved results and implement the call for farmers to join hands in resolving the problem of plastic waste, Vinh Phuc FU Standing Committee required the FU at all levels to strengthen the dissemination to farmers so that they strictly implement the Guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, provincial, local regulations and facilities for environment protection. FUs in the province have actively advised and proposed to Party Committees for programs, projects, measures, specific activities to reduce environmental pollution, especially environment in rural areas.

Leaders of Vinh Phuc provincial FU affirmed that the FU would also strengthen the dissemination and mobilization for farmer members at all levels to raise their awareness about the dangers and serious harms of plastic waste; participate in solving the problem of plastic waste in various forms that are suitable to the practical conditions in each locality.

FUs at all level in Vinh Phuc province also exemplified when they are not using disposable bottled drinking water at the office and in meetings, conferences, seminars, training classes, dissemination, etc. Instead, a large volume of water tank (over 20 liters) is used or they can cook for yourself, using disposable storage containers or easily destroyable materials (products made from paper or other environmentally friendly products).

Besides, FUs at all level in Vinh Phuc province developed pilot models of collecting and fighting pollution from plastic waste. Each official, family members of farmers has specific and practical actions to minimize plastic waste such as: not using persistent nylon bags, disposable plastic items; classifyibg used products that made from plastic, indigestible packaging, nylon bags before putting them in general garbage bags; using a friendly cargo bag, or reusing them for many times...

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