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All levels of VNFU have built more than 30.700 models of farmers participating in environmental protection
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(VNFU Portal) – It can be seen that over the past time, all levels of VNFU nationwide have built and replicated many models of farmers participating in environmental protection which have been recognized by party committees, authorities and people.

The models can be mentioned: “Fields without packaging of pesticides", "Environmental-friendly trash cans", "Groups to collect domestic waste and packaging of pesticides", " Say no to plastic bags and plastic waste", "Farmers collect, sort and treat garbage and rural waste into fertilizer at source"; "Application of microbial products in agricultural production in the direction of biosecurity", "New type of collective groups and cooperatives applying high technology along the value chain", "Clean houses, clean roads, clean fields", "Scattered tree planting on canals against wind, storms, floods and climate change", "Farmers' self-management route", etc.

VNFU Central Committee coordinated with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to hold a conference to discuss solutions to improve the capacity of farmers in the Mekong Delta region to proactively respond to drought and saltwater intrusion; organize a workshop on "Strengthening the cooperation between VNFU at all levels and the natural resources and environment sector in applying the Law on Environmental Protection in life"; annually, jointly organize the launching ceremony of "Tree planting festival eternal gratitude to the great Uncle Ho"; responding to the National Week of Clean Water and Sanitation, World Environment Day, Environmental Action Month; Make the world cleaner campaign; World Oceans Day; Vietnam Sea and Islands Week, etc. Provincial and city FUs actively survey to grasp the current situation of the rural environment and pressing issues of environmental pollution in rural areas to build program and plan of activities for environmental protection and improvement for each year and each period according to local environmental protection requirements. Launching movements of farmers emulating environmental resources, responding to climate change and sustainable development such as: "Farmers become green consumers", "Farmers’ Union protects the environment and builds new-style rural areas" associated with "The movement of farmers emulating good production and business, uniting to help each other get rich and sustainable poverty reduction".

All levels of VNFU actively mobilize members, farmers and rural communities to use clean water, participate in improving the environment of craft villages; renovating polluted lakes, ponds, canals and ditches; protect the environment of river basins and marine resources; limit the use of plastic bags; create environmental-friendly lifestyle.

VNFU at all levels guides members and farmers to develop production associated with environmental protection; use fertilizer and pesticides efficiently and safely, collect drug packages after use; treat waste in livestock, protect the water environment in aquaculture, contributing to raising awareness and responsibility of farmer members in production towards sustainable ecological agriculture, ensuring food hygiene and safety and reducing environmental pollution.

VNFU Central Committee coordinated with professional agencies, scientific organizations and experts in the field of environment to organize 549 training courses to improve knowledge and skills in disaster prevention and climate change adaption for officials, members, farmers, especially the provinces in the Central region, the Central Highlands, and the Mekong River Delta, which are heavily affected by climate change, often affected by natural disasters, floods, drought and saltwater intrusion.

Local levels of VNFU have coordinated to organize more than 24.501 training courses to raise awareness, skills in legal education dissemination, communication skills on clean water, protection of the rural environment, and proactive adaptation to climate change for officials and farmer members.

VNFU has actively coordinated with relevant departments, agencies, sectors and organizations to support and guide farmer members in applying scientific, technical and biotechnology advances to improve production efficiency; guide farmers to change structure, plant varieties and livestock to adapt to climate change; actively mobilized officials and farmer members to plant and take care of over 118 million trees, plant and protect forests, especially mangroves, coastal protection forests, and watershed forests.

VNFU at all levels coordinated with the Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, Science and Technology sector at the central and local levels to mobilize farmer members to contribute funds, materials and working days for building more than 30,709 models of farmers participating in environmental protection and responding to climate change.

In which, VNFU Central Committee has directed, supported and guided the provincial and city FUs to build more than 152 point models on clean water and environmental sanitation, models of the Farmers' Union participating in rural environmental protection, models of the Farmers' Union participating in protecting the rural environment and adapting to climate change in accordance with local conditions. New technology application models are suitable to the economic conditions, customs and qualifications of the people, bringing practical effects, solving the problem of environmental pollution in the locality.

Typical models are: “Collect, classify and treat organic waste into fertilizer, contributing to environmental protection”; “Farmers’ Union participates in improving sanitary conditions and reducing rural environmental pollution in new rural construction”; “Mobilizing farmers to build hygienic latrines and livestock barns”; "The field without the packaging of pesticides"; “Say no to plastic bags and plastic waste”; “Clean house, clean road, clean field”; "Protect marine environment"; “Clean from home to alley”; “Environmental sanitation trumpet”; "Clean village, good field, beautiful homeland", "Model of application of microbial products in agricultural production towards biosecurity"; “Model of collective groups and cooperatives applying high technology along the value chain”, “Building sluices to prevent saltwater intrusion, planting scattered trees on canals to prevent wind, storms, floods and climate change”; “Self-managed farmers road”; "Farmers' tree rows"; "Farmer's garden"…Many models have been highly evaluated by all levels, sectors and people as effective practical methods and have been replicated in many localities.

In addition, the provincial and city FUs have established 11.657 Farmers' Clubs for environmental protection, attracting a large number of officials and farmer members to participate, contributing to implementing the protection and preservation of the green and beautiful rural environment.

Through environmental protection activities, FU officials and farmer members’ awareness of the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws on environmental protection and adaptation to climate change has been raised, initially forming their sense of responsibility and environmentally friendly living behavior, contributing to solving problems of environmental pollution in rural areas, improving capacity to adapt to climate change, creating a new face in rural areas.
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