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To well implement the tasks to the end of 2020
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In the afternoon of August 06, 2020, Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) held a meeting of VNFU Standing Committee and directors of VNFU departments and units in Hanoi. Dr. Thao Xuan Sung, Member of the Central Party Executive Committee, Secretary of VNFU Party Committee, Chairman of VNFU Executive Committee chaired the meeting.

Dr. Thao Xuan Sung, Member of the Central Party Executive Committee, Secretary of VNFU Party Committee, Chairman of VNFU Executive Committee chaired the meeting
Attending the meeting were Mr. Luong Quoc Doan, the 1st Vice-Chairman of VNFU and other Vice-chairmen: Mr. Pham Tien Nam, Mrs. Bui Thi Thom, Mr. Dinh Khac Dinh and Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dinh.
At the meeting, Mr. Luong Quoc Doan, the 1st Vice-Chairman of VNFU presented the report on the results of the first 7 months of the year, the work in August and the last months of VNFU.
Accordingly, the direction and administration of VNFU leaders have been close and timely, following the principle of democratic centralization; promote the activeness, initiative and creativity of VNFU Departments, units as well as civil servants and employees; create a democratic working place based on the regulations with direct key and focused works. The meetings of VNFU Standing Committee are regularly organized to discuss and give opinions to the Union's work and the farmer's movements according to the proposed working program and unexpected work.
VNFU Departments and units have well advised on the dissemination of the Party's Resolutions, the State's policies and laws, focusing on guidelines, policies and laws for agriculture, farmers, rural areas, new rural construction program; the sovereignty over the sea, islands and borders of the country; policies directly related to the rights and obligations of farmers; Resolutions and Directives of VNFU to officials, members, farmers with the focus of Resolution No. 04, 05, 06 of the 7th VNFU Executive Committee on building a clean and strong Union of Vietnamese farmers; Resolution of the 4th meeting of VNFU Executive Committee; Directive No. 02 of VNFU Standing Committee on launching a special emulation for  Party Congresses at all levels towards 13th National Party Congress; National Patriotic Emulation Congress at all levels towards the 10th national patriotic emulation Congress and the 90th anniversary of VNFU establishment (October 14, 1930 - October 14, 2020).

With complicated situation of Covid-19 pandemic, in response to the call of the General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong; Directives, documents of the Party and State leaders on the measures to prevent and fight against Covid-19, VNFU Dissemination Department in cooperation with VNFU Administration Department, Society Department acted as conselours to VNFU Standing Committee to issue documents directing and guiding local Farmers’ Union to strengthen the dissemination measure implementation to improve the awareness and responsibility of VNFU officials at all levels, members and farmers for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control.
Under the direction of VNFU Standing Committee, officials and employees strictly implemented measures to prevent Covid-19 pandemic (measuring body temperature, wearing face masks and disinfecting hand); strictly implemented social distancing, preventing epidemic diseases from spreading in the community and at the offices; enabling officials and employees to use information technology for working from home; assigning VNFU Permanent Commitee and leader representatives of Departments and units to work on duty during the implementation of social distancing. Therefore, the direction for VNFU work and farmers’ movements was not interrupted.
VNFU Inspection Committee advised VNFU Standing Committee to develop and issue the inspection and supervision program in 2020 and the Plan No.179-KH/HNDTW dated May 18, 2020 on the inspection, supervision for the VNFU work and farmers’ movements in 2020.
Moreover, VNFU International Cooperation Department has worked closely with international organizations to mobilize and implement programs and projects to support farmers. Typically, to support vulnerable farmers who suffered from double whammy of Covid-19 pandemic, drought and salinity, emergency assistance was mobilized from international and domestic donors with 1,500 water storage tanks for the farmers. Besides, the Department has been advised to develop some Projects: Projects on "Strengthening cooperation and friendship between VNFU and farmer organizations in Laos and Cambodia in 2020-2025"; Project on "VNFU to support Laos and Cambodia to establish Farmers’ Union"; Project on "Training and improving foreign language capacity for VNFU officials at all levels, especially communal cadres at border areas in the period 2021 - 2025, towards 2030"; Project on joining the World Farmers Organization (WFO), etc.
At the meeting, leader representatives of VNFU Departments and units made recommendations and proposals to well perform the tasks in the coming time.
In his concluding remarks, Dr. Thao Xuan Sung, VNFU Chairman acknowledged, agreed and highly appreciated the achievements of the Departments and units. Also, he required that the departments and units continue to raise their spirit and responsibility in the process of implementing the tasks.
In the coming time, it is necessary to develop and accomplish the projects of Departments and units implementing the Resolution 18 and 19 of the Party Central Committee; draft thematic decisions to submit to VNFU Standing Committee for approval and promulgation; continue to concretize and guide the implementation of Resolutions 04, 05, 06 of the 7th VNFU Executive Committee on building a clean and strong Union of Vietnamese farmers; develop plan to implement Resolution No. 10 of the 5th meeting of VNFU Executive Committee on collective economic development and promoting the development of profession groups and branches in the spirit of successfully implementing the "dual goal" on "Fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic and developing a sustainable agricultural economy under the motto" Each village is a fortress, each farmer member is a soldier"; organize the 9th Congress of VNFU Party Committee tenure 2020-2025; organize the 3rd dialogue of the Prime Minister with farmers in 2020 and the National Agricultural Material Products and Trade Festival in 2020; formulate and finalize the Resolution of VNFU on: "Renovating and improving the efficiency of operation, consulting, services, support, vocational training and job creation for farmers in the period 2020 - 2025 and "VNFU to participate in building a civilized and modern rural society".

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